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Saturday, April 22, 2017

This is what I believe is about to happen. Everybody need to be ready


Hillary Clinton was storing weaponized CIA malware. found hereon her personal server. Many of these tools are purposely not designated as classified; why?

To attack its targets, the CIA usually requires that its implants communicate with their control programs over the internet. If CIA implants, Command & Control and Listening Post software were classified, then CIA officers could be prosecuted or dismissed for violating rules that prohibit placing classified information onto the Internet. Consequently the CIA has secretly made most of its cyber spying/war code unclassified

I think the Clinton Foundation was used to take in all that dirty money from sold influence, intel, favors, and people being given up.

These cyber weapons were how they had so much intel/leverage on the worlds leaders.

Note: Wikileaks did not released the source code for the cyber weapons, also redacted the names of the people who worked on them as well as the tens of thousands of IP addresses of their targets and attack computers.

Wikileaks states “By the end of 2016, the CIA’s hacking division, which formally falls under the agency’s Center for Cyber Intelligence (CCI), had over 5000 registered users and had produced more than a thousand hacking systems, trojans, viruses, and other “weaponized” malware.” Wikileaks has 5000 people out there and needs to take them out all at once but in the right way and that’s using Trumps CIA director and his dead man switch.

Trump wants to take out the rogue CIA and its 5000 users in one swoop and how would he do it? Assange is going to be arrested, giving Assange the excuse to release the insurance files.

Trump has Assange taken into custody triggering his dead man switch(this is their secret deal and plan) (Some) cyber weapons along with the 5000 CIA registered users around the world along with their target IPs are now in the wild for anyone to use.

Assange maintains his journalistic integrity by using the outlandish arrest and subsequent trigger of the dead man switch as an excuse even though 5000 CIA users have been revealed and a few cyber weapons are about to be used against us.

Remember Assange stated: “The archive appears to have been circulated among former U.S. government hackers and contractors in an unauthorized manner, one of whom has provided WikiLeaks with PORTIONS of the archive.”

Assange is setting it up already by saying he only had a few cyber weapons and that’s why when the dust settles he can say the most powerful malware weapons never got released.

Some malware gets (false flag)used on our critical infrastructure causing massive power outage in major city’s 9/11 2.0 (It gets blamed on North Korea)

Here we go.

We go to war with North Korea (We handle that with the help of China) <~~~ Trump already laying the foundation with China knowing this is what HAS to be done.

CIA will now be FORCED to reveal to Google, Apple , Microsoft how to patch the exploits now that “North Korea” is using these Cyber Weapons against us. (Possible Power shutdown)

We take out fat boy Kim, Trump signs treaty with China and Russia after. He’s God Emperor again

CIA (SIGINT) is dead and the Clinton Global Mafia are rendered powerless without its cyber weapons arsenal, the 5000 registered users get compromised, along with CIA losing all their targets due to disclosure via the dead mans switch.

Remember FBI anon stated : “We will go to war with Russia and possibly China if she wins.”I’m not advocating for truth for truth’s sake. Option B is the only acceptable scenario, and it needs to be done so that Trump can sweep in and clear the entire establishment of corruption. That is what are being given the chance to do. If you fail in this, you doom us to a second Rome.”

Everyone already knows and suspects option A. The patriots in the deep state need to hang this shit over Washington’s head and force them to do the right thing.

FBI ANON: We are working on Option B.

This is a HUGE Power play by NSA Patriots, IC and Trump to Drain the Swam and take away the Power/Leverage CIA has had over all the worlds though the blackmail obtained via these tools over the years.

Assange gets Presidential Pardon after the dust settles and rightfully so.

I think this is already happening and I wouldn’t be surprised if we see this play out real soon

submitted by /u/Virtcoin
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April 22, 2017 at 10:49PM


from /u/Virtcoin


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