So, multiple gunmen (or maybe just one) opened fire at a club in Ohio and all the tell tale signs of a fake mass shooting are not present. This could serve to provide a comparison between real vs fake shooting false flag with the anti gun agenda.
First and foremost, MSM isn't bothering with it other than brief mention. No convenient eye witnesses who have a story to tell.
The media doesn't have a clue what this is about, neither do the reporters near the scene.
There's no backstory of the terror connected or racially motivated suspect(s) all the way to their childhood within 24 hours.
Trump isn't making a statement and vowing to do stuff.
No family members like the aunt who's not actually seen the suspect since he was 4 but knows all about it.
There's no reports already of any of the suspects holed up in the darkened room plotting a mass shooting.
No anti government propaganda left out in the open, no stockpile of assault weapons.
There's no family members giving interviews on CNN, nobody's sending ribbons to the White House.
No fake parents trying so hard to pretend to cry.
No "gofundme" accounts are being created by friends of the parents.
Pretty sure zero parents of any of the staged shootings will make an appearance or plea in Ohio to end gun violence, blah blah blah.
There's no official narrative whatsoever. No 24 hr debate on gun legislation.
Gunman/gunmen injured 16 people, killed multiple/single gunmen actually didn't have a 100% fatality score, unlike the staged shooters who kill them all the first time.
There wasn't a drill coinciding with the event.
MSM isn't scrambling to put together an emotional presentation piece about all the victims, the horror, the terror the club goers were feeling as gunmen opened fire.
MSM isn't getting statements from the parents of the victims. Anderson Cooper hasn't gone to Ohio to get up in the middle of it.
Nobody's actually interviewed any of the LEO handling the event.
Chances are it'll be days or weeks - maybe months - before actual LEO figures out who was involved, what happened, what the fight was about, etc.
Chances are most of the victims will be minorities.
And when it's all said and done, the club won't be torn down, public records will remain public, the state of Ohio won't suddenly lock down records or hide information because somebody might see it on the internet.
Did I leave anything out?
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March 27, 2017 at 03:50AM
from /u/KaraKellyAz
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